Conservative Bashers And Progressive Pushers
3 weeks ago3w

Posted by johnnyrobish
RFK Jr. Once Decapitated A Dead Whale With A Chainsaw As if the dude wasn’t strange enough, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is back in the headlines again, but not for suspending his campaign and endorsing Donald Trump, or for his admission he once ...
Conservative Bashers And Progressive Pushers
1 month ago1m

Posted by johnnyrobish
RFK Jr Admits Planting Dead Bear Cub in Central Park Well, just when you thought anything about RFK Jr’s life couldn’t possibly get more bizarre, Mr. Kennedy has just posted a video confession admitting it was he who was responsible for what...
May 15May 15

Posted by Flyingsaucesir
Which is worse for a political career: being a wacko conspiracy theorist and asserting that a worm ate part of your brain, or shooting your dog in fit of pique and then overriding your editor who wanted to delete that anecdote from your memoir? 🤔
Conservative Bashers And Progressive Pushers
May 9May 9

Posted by johnnyrobish
RFK Jr. Claims a Worm Ate Part of His Brain As if his story wasn’t already insane enough, the New York Times is reporting that in his divorce case deposition from 2012, independent presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr. claimed that in ...