Wellllll, I can't even...
Just ignore them and vote against evangelical politicians.
Perfect suggestion!
In that case all males are gay.
You must mean Everybody is gay? lol Nevermind - he says it only applies to men - bwahaha!
"I'm not gay but I don't mind helping out when they are busy" Kenneth Williams
For any person who believes that God, as conceived in Christianity, is good and loving and merciful -- do not tell ME to be very honest; YOU get honest! One of the worst aspects of religious fundamentalism is a great lack of regard or understanding of what it means to be intellectually honest and to think intelligently.
I stopped listening when he said there's no difference between an orgasm and a bowel movement. If he doesn't feel a difference between the two, something is really wrong with his bodily functions.
They have an obsession about sex, and who is doing it to whom and how. Instead of treating sex as a natural activity which gives us pleasure, either with or without a partner, they have attached guilt to certain types of sexual activity and proscribed it accordingly. It’s a pity they don’t seem to proscribe paedophilia and rape with such vehemence. These people must have brains the size of peas to come out with some of the nonsense they spout, you just have just gasp in astonishment at the inanity of it!
I've heard that angle before. If it wasn't for masturbation I wouldn't have any sex at all. However, the only penis I like is my own.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Yuppers, because sex with yourself is exactly the same as sex with another person....?????????
Yap. This is what you come up with when you forget to add rationality.
There were elements within the Mormon church which also believed this silliness. They also decided that masturbation itself was sinful and should be avoided. One of the church leaders (who may have died since I left) wrote a pamphet advising young men how to prevent them from self stimulating. It included things like sleeping on your back, wearing tight fitting night clothing and multiple layers to make access difficult. He even went so far as to suggest tying the dominant hand to the bed post. The pamphlet is hillarious on this side of this religion. I honestly hope not too many young men attempted any of his suggestions.
I like how this cat believes masturbation is strictly an act committed by only men.
Any time now it'll come out that he's either molesting kids or fucking a prostitute! Unlikely his wife is a satisfied woman!
The wonderful thing I find with masturbation, absolutely any thing is possible....no fantasy is impossible. ...the mind is the sex tool of all sex tools.
Thats just sad. ....teaching that masturbation, gayness, sex, is evil....and, I take it back.....such teachings are not "sad", they are down right evil....whats sad is that there are people that actually believe that crap.