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Dog burials as common ritual in Neolithic north-west Iberia (Spain)


Elganned 8 Mar 5
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I'm surprised that this phenomena wasn't more common, given how easy it is to anthropomorphise our relationship with dogs. However, it may be that there was a religious purpose akin to the Ancient Egyptian's worship of cats. What I don't think was mentioned, is that there is also the possibility that dogs were buried to equip its owner with their worldly possessions in the afterlife, especially those with a utilitarian value.

Magister Level 6 Mar 12, 2019

Generally human only sacrificed something of great value, this culture clearly put great value on dogs. Thanks, interesting read.


Seems that for most humans little has changed when it comes to the death of the family friend and guardian, the dog.
Maybe in a few thousand years some archaeologist might dig up my backyard and discover the remains of the family friends, dogs, that have been burial loving here as well.

Triphid Level 9 Mar 5, 2019

The article may be suggesting that some of these dogs were killed intentionally as "sacrifices" though I wonder if some were valued companions that were given burials in recognition of their individual importance to someone.


Man's best friend for thousands of years

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 5, 2019

A favor so often not returned. Who sacrifices their friend?


Good find! Thanks for sharing.

BeeHappy Level 9 Mar 5, 2019

We've always loved our pets I guess.

The love of a pet could be considered truer than that of a child since children will get mad at lash out where pets rarely do.

Before I get killed, I have children and grandchildren.

Lucy_Fehr Level 8 Mar 5, 2019

At least some of these dogs were sacrifices so maybe not pets?


Interesting read. Thanks.

Mokvon Level 8 Mar 5, 2019
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