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Morning cuteness!!!!

RobertNappi2 9 May 31
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Hi kitty!




Cute kitty

bobwjr Level 10 May 31, 2020

I would love that every morning!


So very cute!!


C'mon feed me! I didn't eat your face whilst you snored all night in bed!

FrayedBear Level 9 May 31, 2020

That's one reason I don't have a cat. I have that fear of dying alone, except for the cat, and having my face eaten off before someone finds me and feeds the cat.

Yep. We still love 'em anyways!

@TomMcGiverin & @TheGreatShadow lol.Who gives a fuck after dying?
It's either the cat, the maggots, the worms or the crematoria flames get you after you are dead.
I'd rather be food for the companion(s) who gave so much joy in life and happily die with that knowledge if a large bowl of kibble had not been left out for them.

@FrayedBear Reminds me of the episode of 1000 Ways To Die where some guy tried to get immune to a spider bite or something. He let all the exotic creatures out of their habitats shortly before he passed...

@TheGreatShadow Passed? The only thing that I pass is turds when sitting on the throne in the toilet. Oh! And I occasionally burp from eating the watermelon too fast in summer - its the only way to keep the flies off your melon is to eat it whilst crapping! 😁

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