6 10

Miss Zelda on the floor between a cabinet and my desk as I am working. If she grabs the orange cord she is kitty non grata. On the other side of me there is a full size bed with Miss Xena sleeping on it.. Seems to me that would be much more comfy.

HippieChick58 9 Sep 18
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Isn't there supposed to be a "Legend of Zelda"?

snytiger6 Level 9 Sep 19, 2020

Yes, it is a video game. Zelda is a warrior princess. The name is of Germanic extraction, it means gray fighting maid. My Zelda isn't a fighter, she's too lazy.

@HippieChick58 I read "fighting worrier and I thought what a great name for a cat... then I read she's too lazy.

@snytiger6 LOL!! When she was little she was a pretty feisty little fluff ball. I gave her the name because I wanted names that started with lesser used letters. Yes, I'm weird. I already had Xena (pronounced Zeena) and I liked the name Zelda for a long time. They both get pretty feisty when the neighbor cat is on our deck stealing their catnip. They have some boxing matches through the glass door, and then they have to go take naps to get over the exertion. They are good about taking down the flying bugs that get into the house.


She's plugged in for charging. 😂

Kynlei Level 8 Sep 19, 2020

That is the cord to my headset. I have managed to disconnect it twice in three weeks, I need to find a way to control it better.


Cats can sleep just about anywhere and sometimes they don't seem to care where.

Spudgun Level 7 Sep 19, 2020

Playful kitty

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 18, 2020

Wudduhya mean....kitties are always innocent........


Uh oh...

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