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Happy Vernal Equinox!

phxbillcee 10 Mar 20
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What ya mean, its autumn here.

FrayedBear Level 9 Mar 20, 2021

That's what you get for living upside-down!

@phxbillcee who said that you are right way up?

@FrayedBear Well, it's so obvious! I have the sky above me & a nice flat horizon & hey, jebus didn't even know about "Down Under"! I know he knew about North America because the Book of Moron says so!

@phxbillcee What do you think we have in the southern hemishere? The black hole of nothing?
[] and a quote from the article -
"There’s a quote attributed to Mr. Bok, who left Harvard in the ’50s for Australia but often lectured to members of the Royal Astronomical Society in London, that sums it up nicely: “Gentlemen, you live under the wrong half of the sky!” "

@FrayedBear Dude! I was pulling your leg! I know how our globe works! I've got a clue on geography & history! You didn't catch the obvious sarcasm? Bro, you should know me better by now! I apologize for teasing about such a sensitive subject for you. Mea culpa.

@phxbillcee I know. It's good for affirming that I've not gone senile and creating opportunity to learn more.

@FrayedBear I don't really know if anything is affirming you haven't gone senile!

@phxbillcee that's merely your jaundice view?


That is a cool picture!

Spinliesel Level 9 Mar 20, 2021

And the cats rejoice by going outside to explore.


Birthday of my firstborn so double celebration!

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