I just bought myself a new treadmill so I can be less chonky — but it always seems to be occupied. What should I do?
A. Keep it fair: Post a reservation sheet.
B. Keep it easy: Allow first come, first served.
C. Keep it simple: Accept that I’ve purchased an expensive piece of cat furniture and retreat to the pantry for snacks.
It's a very funny photo of your cat. Interesting, if to try walking on the treadmill with a cat, will he like it? LOL. Also, I see that you got a pretty great modern treadmill. It looks like the one I got from [endurancetreadmills.com.au], and I am delighted with it. The biggest advantage of such treadmills is that they have integrated many programs for resistence training or fat burning. In this way, I lost around 10 kg in 3 months using their fat-burning program.
My brand is Xterra, and I love it! Congrats on your weight loss!
I bet I can guess where the warmest spot is on that treadmilll. The clue is two different cats claiming the same spot.
As for what to do... start the treadmill on a low setting. They will leave one way or another.
Even better would be if one of them actually started walking.
The cats are waiting for you to use it so they can race you. If you are smart you will let them win, then they will go take a bath and a nap, then you can use it by yourself if you do not want to be confrontational.
D. Buy another treadmill and dedicate it to feline fitness.
Considering I have 3 cats, I might need 4 treadmills so we can each have our own.
PS – I actually already bought them their own treadmill. I’ve been trying to train them how to use it. It’s slow going — and they prefer mine!
@Apunzelle I love the expression on their faces that says either "she's got to be kidding" or "is she stoopid?"
Posted by LaurenIt would be warmer for us both if he'd get on my lap, but it has to be his idea - though he still likes to stay close.
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