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LINK Blind Cat Rescued from Texas Animal Shelter Destroyed by Tornado |

On Monday, animal rescuers pulled a blind cat from the rubble left behind by a tornado that destroyed the Texas-based Jacksboro Animal Shelter.

According to KDFW-TV, the cat was named Nado after the unconfirmed tornado that ripped the roof off two schools in Jacksboro and caused damage to the animal shelter and dozens of homes.

The news outlet added that the woman who found Nado on Tuesday stated the feline appeared frightened when found but was in good health overall. The cat's savior reportedly took Nado home and cleaned him up.

snytiger6 9 Mar 24
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The tornado tore Nado's rooftop off but poor Nado the blind cat never saw it coming or going to another home.


That headline could’ve been written better! I thought I was going to read about a poor cat that was destroyed by a tornado! 😉

I almost didn't read the article because I thought the cat had been hurt!

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