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Feed me NOW hooman!

Appleriver 8 Jan 8
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Having grown up with cats, we have a single person who feeds the cats because we know they will lie and try to get fed multiple times. However, when that person is out of town, they sometimes succeed in getting multiple meals.

snytiger6 Level 9 Jan 9, 2023

I've never really had a problem with leaving the kibble bowl with pellets in it.

@FrayedBear They only pull the con games for the wet food.

@snytiger6 the 2 I'm currently looking after aren't keen on it. Often simply licking the gravy off and leaving the solid.

@snytiger6 yesterday I gave them fresh fish guts from the fish that I fried for my lunch - they both turned their noses up at it!
Both are rescues, one from a woman sent to gaol. She apparently was feeding him Macdonald's.


The cat is always right, rather than the hooman..



My cats think it is time to eat whenever I walk into the kitchen. Girls, I'm just filling up my water jug, it isn't time to eat yet! You still have food in your bowl!

The minute mine can see the bottom of the bowl they act like they haven’t eaten for weeks and the end of the world is coming lol

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