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My wife has a weakness for cats and keeps a food and water bowl stocked for the area outside cats.

We’ve had a Calico coming around for about two years but we have never been able to get close than about 30 yards from her. We noticed her getting rounder in the middle so we worked on trapping her.

We got one of the others and took him to get clipped but finally snagged her Wednesday and put her in the pool house bedroom and she had four kittens Friday night.

CourtJester 7 Apr 16
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A few more from yesterday evening


You are so fortunate to have such a caring wife.

Spinliesel Level 9 Apr 17, 2023

I wished that you had used a flash &\or photo editor to make the photos easier to see!

FrayedBear Level 9 Apr 16, 2023

I'll add more as the kittens get older. The mother is very feral and not real happy when we get too close, so we've been leaving them alone and not getting too close when we do go in. I'll try to get one of the GoPros mounted over them when I get some time this week.

@CourtJester USA seems to have a very cavalier attitude to feral cats. I hope that you will do the right thing & not turn them all out to create more ferals.

That's the only reason I trapped it. My wife won't let me shoot them.
The vet will clip them for us for pretty cheap so we don't have any future kittens showing up. Hopeful we can find homes for the kittens. I don't think the mother will ever get comfortable enough with people to be a pet. But my wife will keep a food bowl on the deck for her and these are her last kittens.

@CourtJester You never know. Themother may domesticate. Here they just euthanase them to stop the damage to the native animals. Out in the National Parks they are baited, shot & trappped along with other ferals like dogs, rabbits, foxes, goats, pigs, camels, ostriches, horses & cattle. Blackberries & some other plants are also considered feral.



@CourtJester []
Blackberry in this list -


I am sure she does not yet realize how lucky she is.

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Posted by LaurenIt would be warmer for us both if he'd get on my lap, but it has to be his idea - though he still likes to stay close.

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