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LINK Rescue Cat Makes Incredible Recovery After Being Found 'Severely Burned' -- Newsweek

A social media video that documents a rescue cat's recovery journey, after being found severely burned on a driveway in April, has shocked and stunned internet users.

The viral video chronicles Phoenix the cat's intensive injuries and how he has been recovering ever since he was found in the street months ago. Phoenix now lives with the woman who first discovered him back in April, and who has been overseeing his care ever since.

The moving post features upsetting images of Phoenix with his extreme burns and infected skin, before showing him gradually healing and becoming stronger until he's finally allowed to go and live in his new home.

"Meet Phoenix. He was found severely burned on April 26 on a residential driveway, he was rushed to a local veterinary clinic in New Kensington," the video's creator wrote across the post.

"He was in a pretty bad shape and the staff worked tirelessly to save him. His burned skin was infected, so he needed antibiotics and pain medication."

"By the next day his eyes were open, and he had started to heal and eat on his own. The staff gave him 'churu' to stimulate his appetite," she added, referring to a cat and dog treat available across the U.S.

The cat's new owner then shared that Phoenix appeared to enjoy his churo, having gained some of his appetite back.

"His dead skin started to slough off, his paws had to be bandaged, but he went on to improve drastically over the next several days," Phoenix's owner continued.

It's unknown how long Phoenix had been kept at the veterinary center, but his new owner shared that the cat was showered in love and affection by both members of staff and members of the public while recovering in the New Kensington clinic.

"So many people dropped off treats and gifts for him," she added.

After becoming well enough to be discharged from the veterinary center, Phoenix is shown travelling to his new home and befriending his new family. His new owner adds that he is continuing his recovery in his new environment, and that even his fur is growing back after having succumbed to the fire.

Phoenix the cat and his new family live in Philadelphia.
How Can You Treat Burn Injuries on Cats?

The full impact of a serious burn may take up to three days to develop on a cat's body due to heat dissipating slowly from the cat's burned skin.

Red or blistered skin, discoloration, pain, and shock are among the most common burn injuries, according to Melbourne's Lort Smith Animal Hospital. Such wounds are highly sensitive and are prone to swelling and infection, so should be approached with care by any individual who comes into contact with the burned cat. The animal hospital provides thorough guidance on its website for people who have both come across injured cats or who have pet cats that have been in accidents involving fire.

"[Firstly], remove the animal from the source of heat and ensure they have a patent airway. Apply cool water to burns, this decreases pain and minimizes further tissue damage," Lort Smith advises online.

"If the burn involves only a small area of the body you can, if need be, immerse the animal in a cool bath. If it involves a large area this is not recommended as it can lead to shock. Simply run cold water directly over the affected areas or apply cold compresses."

"If possible, place a sterile, non-stick gauze or pad, or a clean moist cloth, over the burned area. Do not apply any ointments or creams," the animal hospital adds.

While Lort Smith provides advice on how people can immediately treat the burn wounds they find on cats, the animal hospital urges people to seek emergency veterinary attention if this ever occurs.
What Do the Comments Say?

Since it was shared to the social media platform on May 28, the TikTok post which can be seen here has been viewed over 3.5 million times, liked by over 422,000 users and commented on more than 5,500 times.

"Not to be dramatic, but I'd die for Phoenix," one user wrote.

Another user added: "I love him so much, I can't even explain it. I'm so proud of this beautiful kitty!"

More than 50,000 TikTok users have followed the rescue cat's TikTok account to stay tuned with the rest of his recovery.

Newsweek reached out to @PhoenixTheCat412 for comment via TikTok.

snytiger6 9 June 20
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I am happy for kitty, but I am curious how his burns came to be.

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