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Sadly, while I was away, Sasha, our calico kitty got sick and had to be put down. My sister said she hid under a bed for several days and wouldn't come out even to eat.

According to the vet, she evidently had a cancerous growth, and also had fluid around her heart. The vet said she could drain the fluid around the heart, but Sasha's quality of life would not be good at all.

snytiger6 9 Oct 16
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Such a beauty. Sorry for your family’s loss. My cat Lola died in 2019 after 19 years with me and it still makes me burst into tears to remember how much I loved her. They need 🥹😭😢😿💔 emojis on the like button.

Sasha was only about 11 years old. She was quirky and amusing. We will miss her.


Yes it is unfortunately a common issue with calico cats... My condolences she seemed a sweet girl and I am dreading the day when it is time for my boy Panther to go he has been with me 15 years now and though he is a diabetic he is healthy and happy doing well with his insulin. Yes insulin is expensive as are his yearly check ups but he is worth every penny and more to me.

On cancer in Calico cats...


Sorry for your loss, my deepest condolences.


She's such a beauty, and you have some great pictures of her. They always leave too soon, even when we know it's too hard on them to stay here. I'm so sorry for your loss.

Lauren Level 8 Oct 16, 2024

So sorry to hear that 😟😞

Diaco Level 7 Oct 16, 2024

Each cat has a unique personality and they can worm their way into your heart. I'm sorry for the loss of your beloved pet. Take care. 😟

Betty Level 8 Oct 16, 2024

When they hide under the bed for days, they are ready......sorry for your loss of such a beautiful creature!


My heart kitty Miss Millie had fluid around her heart at the end of her life as well. She was an old kitty, very people bonded. She was born in 2000, hence she was the Millennium Kitten. She passed in 2017 just before my first grand arrived.

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Posted by snytiger6Sadly, while I was away, Sasha, our calico kitty got sick and had to be put down.

Posted by snytiger6Sadly, while I was away, Sasha, our calico kitty got sick and had to be put down.

Posted by snytiger6Sadly, while I was away, Sasha, our calico kitty got sick and had to be put down.

Posted by snytiger6Sadly, while I was away, Sasha, our calico kitty got sick and had to be put down.

Posted by snytiger6Sadly, while I was away, Sasha, our calico kitty got sick and had to be put down.

Posted by snytiger6Sadly, while I was away, Sasha, our calico kitty got sick and had to be put down.

Posted by snytiger6Sadly, while I was away, Sasha, our calico kitty got sick and had to be put down.

Posted by snytiger6Sadly, while I was away, Sasha, our calico kitty got sick and had to be put down.

Posted by snytiger6Sadly, while I was away, Sasha, our calico kitty got sick and had to be put down.

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