4 11

I think he speaks for all cats.

glennlab 10 Nov 3
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How considerate and shrewd of him...


....or, in my special variance, I hurl on mom's important papers on the top of her desk!

pamagain Level 8 Nov 3, 2024

Every damn time…

Not quite. I once looked after a palliative care cat. I tempted it with fresh fish guts. Too rich! Half an hour later it vomited on my bed which it was sharing for warmth & comfort in an otherwise soulless environment.

And the smell is atrocious.

@FrayedBear It really is. And I am one of the sympathetic pukers. I start dry heaving lol. Quite a sight. Bailey throwing up all over and me adding the sound effects.

@Appleriver lol. Fortunately it only ever happened to me once when for a brief window my elder brother & I got on. We had been out drinking. My mother got me out of bed to go & help him as he was in great distress trying to be sick in the kitchen sink downstairs. I simply stood behind him & whilst holding his head put my fingers down his throat. The smell of his vomit made me race outside to do likewise. I must have toughened up since then as I didn't when the cat was sick. . . Perhaps two years & the rest of changing my 3 month premmie daughter's nappies did it.

@FrayedBear I never got over it sadly. I raised two girls and dry heaved until they were grown up. My kids thought it was funny. I was not as amused lol

@Appleriver It's your conditioning. It can be overcome by desensitization.


Well of course you do!

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