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So your kitties lick you while you are petting them or nip you when you stop?

IrishTxJudy 8 Sep 16
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I’ve definitely had that happen in the past, but not with my current trio. Addie, who I call my “little dog”, just follows me around looking up or back at me to make sure he stays as close as possible. Actually walked into a basket last night because he was looking at me so hard, LOL. His brother, Xandi, is the one who likes to nibble, but he just likes to do it — nothing about “punishment” for stopping petting him. He gets super affectionate and wants to chew on fingers.

Kodij Level 5 Sep 17, 2018

I have 5 purr babies. My Freddy loves to lay on my chest and knees and like my face at the same time. Then rubs his face on mine and licks my nose.
He knows when I’m sick or feeling and will come up and put his paws on my cheeks as if to say mom I will always love u no matter what!!
My sweet taco just rubs herself against every part of me and will nip at me if I stop petting her.
If my hand is lying next to her and she wants my attention she will also nip me til I start petting her.
Funny girl!
My handsome dragonfly is king in a passive aggressive way.
U would never know it til u were around him for awhile.
He thinks I am his property and u must ask permission to get any attention from me.
He will swipe at me when I pass by just to say hey mom I’m right here no need to look any further!
Aw then there is my mr Mercedes he’s so fluffy and full of hugs and kisses but also green with jealousy. And pouts if he thinks he’s being shut out.
And finally there’s my skippy who’s just there in his own world. He could really care less if u pay attention to him or not.
He can take it or leave it.
We call him the psycho cat.
As he looks and looks Inyo air as if there is something really there. Maybe he just lives on a different plane of existence.
I love them all with all my heart. Ever since I was a child I have always had a special bond with cats. And they have always been my best friends. Many a tear have they licked from my face. When darkness surrounded me they brought me light with the soft sweet sound of their purr.
They have made me laugh til I’ve cried.
And I have cried as I held them as they left this world.
Each one has given me something special and each one has a piece of my heart.


My kitties love affection and attention! They both fight at who is going to sleep on my chest, I have to grab them and make them both lye down next to me! No favorites! Love them both the same!


Mine loves to rub noses with me, especially when I'm watching a sentimental or sad movie and petting him. I'm sure it's empathy.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Sep 16, 2018

Gotta make sure that everyone is infected...that's what loves about - sharing. Don't mothers teach their daughters "What's good is yours what's bad is his."

FrayedBear Level 9 Sep 16, 2018

Mine are usually the opposite. In fact, one may be mildly borderline personality disorder, because she's always like, "Don't touch me, I'll bite you. What are you doing?! I didn't say stop petting me, fool!"

PolyWolf Level 7 Sep 16, 2018

My Charlie will nip me if he wants attention, and I ignore him.

tfg1929 Level 6 Sep 16, 2018
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Posted by LaurenIt would be warmer for us both if he'd get on my lap, but it has to be his idea - though he still likes to stay close.

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