8 6

So when you give your cats treats do they want you to stay there and watch then eat them? One of my cats wants me to stand there while he eats them and even pet him. Not sure how to interpret that

IrishTxJudy 8 Sep 26
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kmdskit3 Level 8 Sep 27, 2018

I had a cat that had to be pet every time she ate. She wouldn't eat otherwise. She was a cute little ragamuffin, but she could purr quite loudly for a little kitty.


Mattie just demands treats and doesn’t much care what I do after my duties as treat dispenser are finished. Stay or not, pet her or not, she’s happy. Now if she could only refrain from “accidentally” putting her tail in my wine glass...

SkagwayKim Level 7 Sep 26, 2018

I don't think my sticking around is a requirement, but they do seem to enjoy the company at that time.

Zster Level 8 Sep 26, 2018

Holly Meow will eat if I'm not by her, but she eats better if I am. She's been sick lately, so I moved her food bowl into my bedroom where I spend a lot of time reading. Trying to put some weight back on her.

purcascade Level 5 Sep 26, 2018

@orange_girl She's Holly Golightly. I call her Holly Meow because I just called her Holly at first, but someone went "OHMYGOD YOU HAVE A BABY?!?" and I went... no...


Mine have to come on my lap for treats, or they don't get any.


Once had a cat that hated to be watched when she ate. It would growl if you were near it while trying to eat. Then, after is was done eating it would transform back into nice cat mode.


the cats, of whom i am owned by five, no. the dog, who is young and alone among the cats, won't eat anything unless i watch!


genessa Level 8 Sep 26, 2018
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