4 10

sorry my phone is broken, so i can't take a photo, but we're having a cold snap and suddenly all five cats are snuggling together on or around my pillow. they look more or less like one big cat with 10 ears.


genessa 8 Sep 30
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I it really bad when they get together like that. No you know what has ten ears, 180 claws, 10 eyes, 5 tales, and 5 tails. No how does one get some sleep with a monster like that on your bed.

oh i had to break up the snugglefest to get to sleep but then one by one most of them came back. penny slept on my body, golde slept in my hair and wendy came over and held my hand. teyve stayed behind wendy and bathed her, and kuma slept on a pillow right by me.



Your words painted a nice image. Thanks.


Aww, that would be a sight to see. Cats are so cute when they cuddle together.

it's too bad i can't see properly when they cuddle with me! penny lies on top of me. she can barely wait for me to lie down. sometimes she tries to crawl up on me when i'm not quite settled. i don't know what she looks like on me but she feels very comforting!


@genessa My cat is the same way. He has to get on me the minute I get into bed so he can do his cushioning thing. Sometimes he lay's down after that, but he mostly lay's next to me.

@SACatWalker i should have a new battery in the mail pretty soon, and i HOPE that turns out to be what's wrong with it. it has many curious symptoms, but it also just won't hold a charge, so i have high hopes the battery is the source of all the symptoms. it was last time.



I can picture that & enjoy the mind photo.



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