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In the last two days, I've had 2 of my ferals killed by dogs roaming loose, so a little something to lighten the mood.

glennlab 10 Dec 2
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Noooo! I am so sorry!

Hathacat Level 9 Dec 3, 2018

I'm so sorry for your losses!

pixiedust Level 8 Dec 2, 2018

So sorry you lost your kitties.


Sorry to hear about your feral cats that's tough.

Ladydiana Level 7 Dec 2, 2018

Thank you.


I’m so sorry about the cats. Feral life is really hard.

Sydland Level 7 Dec 2, 2018

These have been doing fairly well since I got them fixed, my former roommate would go out every morning around dawn and feed and pet them, they have had it a little rougher since he died since I don't do mornings well. Their morning feeding is now around 11. i can leave food out at night because of the possums, raccoons and coyotes. Urban wildlife that has adapted.


If you have an animal warden? Call them.

We had a dog like that here that progressed from biting other dogs (leashed) including my own pup to biting humans.

It is the irresponsible humans that make me crazy! Oh and of course check the laws on ferals first. is

I am so sorry for your loss.

RavenCT Level 9 Dec 2, 2018

Dallas has had a roaming dog problem since before I moved here 35 years ago, the pound is constantly full and they will only come out if a dog is threatening people or you already have it captured.

@glennlab That's horrible. We had just one and it was awful for a few months. I carry mace so at least there was defense of some sort. And thankfully the one outdoor cat here - seems to know the escape routes - but it really worried me.
Sounds like your neighbors don't care. But have you thought of telling them what happened? Maybe they should know.
I know if I'd had a dog like that. I'd have wanted to know.

My dog got loose one me twice. Both times she snapped her outdoor tie-out and went walkabout to find humans to entertain her.
One time she came back with a fella with a chainsaw.
She'd spent an hour out with him and the crew.
We had a big discussion after that one I can tell you. You know "Stranger Danger" and snapping metal/plastic tie outs and climbing under the fence and all that?

I wish everyone with dogs talked to them. She never thought of hurting cats. She lived with three of them. Let me see if I can find a pic.

That's Maev with Raz. (Raz still thinks he might be a dog) - Than Rainey snuggled in Maev's crate - she never chased her out... - And of course the obligatory over at the neighbor's for Christmas visit - complete with antlers. Maev was a good sport. lol


Send them to my place...

Also, why the f$&@ can’t people just put their damn dogs on a leash? Pet peeve of mine...

@SkagwayKim The only time these dogs are out is when the kids are out of school, so it's not like they don't know how to keep them in their yard. It's like everyday around 4 the dogs make the rounds.

@MarvelAnn yes, thank you. Feral cats and free-roaming house cats have a devastating effect on small animal species.

@MarvelAnn actually what I meant was why the f$&@ can’t people just take responsibility for their animals.

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