I bought a beautiful scratching post for my two feline friends. They use it. They also use everything else in the house, including me ....... ow ow ow ..... ouch
True love = gawdly claw marks on our arms legs and belly when our divine feline rulers leap from slumber towards their next conquests
Zippy abuses everything, jumping up on every surface, spilling and knocking everything over the edge. Jumping on me in the middle of the night. Each time he uses the litter box I have to sweep the whole room.
He told me that it is cat therapy to keep me from getting lonely. I love him.
Yeah, my cats have done some damage, and I have several scratching posts. Small price to pay for their companionship, and it is cheap furniture anyway.
I've grown attached to the single tube with carpet on the bottom and rope all the way up a tube. After replacing the number of them it seems the Rope can withstand the damage better than carpet.
That is the scratching post I got for my furbabies. They use it. They also use furniture. They also use the bedspread. They also use me.
Battle scars.
Yes, I got battle scars. They have ever so gently used my arms and legs to bite and scratch. They should not do that. I bust my butt to support them.
Posted by RobertNappi2Saturday morning cuteness
Posted by LaurenIt would be warmer for us both if he'd get on my lap, but it has to be his idea - though he still likes to stay close.
Posted by RobertNappi2Saturday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Friday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Thursday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Tuesday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Saturday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Friday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Tuesday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Monday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Sunday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Hey! I'm not done yet...
Posted by RobertNappi2Saturday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Thursday morning cuteness
Posted by RobertNappi2Tuesday morning cuteness...Going Home...
Posted by RobertNappi2Sunday morning cuteness