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I can't make up my bed because Stella is sleeping on the clean sheets fresh out of the dryer.

GinaKay 7 Feb 18
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You know the rules, kitty gets to decide when you can make the bed.

Thank you! I thought I was going crazy, or had missed a rule change! ?


That's what you get for waiting more than 10 seconds after you got them out of the dryer to put them on the bed.

glennlab Level 10 Feb 18, 2019

Which is why I have several sets of sheets.

Me too! But I love the clean sheets fresh out of the dryer!

@GinaKay Kitties take priority.


Cats love the warmth of things fresh from the dryer. They think those items are a like a spa for them to lay in...Reminds me of how much my parent's cats loved warmth. They would run to curl up against the vents in our living room as soon as they heard the furnace go on. Then they'd lay there against the vent as long as it stayed warm....

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