4 14

Well, a "thump" in the night awoke me. Here I am... on alert... wife snoring, dog snoring... one cat snoring.... other cat AWOL. Yeah.... "guard animals' , right. 🙄

bigpawbullets 9 June 30
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I love that big eyed alert system.
Fail safe.

Sydland Level 7 June 30, 2019

Lolol! I hate it when I check with my cat and he's looking just past me as if he's never seen such a huge spider before...

Zster Level 8 June 30, 2019

Every once in a while I dream that I hear the doorbell. Back when I had a dog and two cats when I napped, I'd be sandwiched with them. If I had that dream I would just look at the fur babies. If the dog heard the bell he'd be out there trying to break the door down to greet his new friends. The cats would be off for a hidey hole. If they were all still sleeping on me I knew I was dreaming.

I do that! Good to know it's a universal dream. And I have one c at that runs to look out the window if someone is at the door now! 👍

@RavenCT In my house now the cats can access the space between basement ceiling and floor upstairs from the laundry room via the top of the washer and a shelf. If strangers are in the house, that is where they head. My adult kids have not met the cats, they will come out if the grandbabies are here and reasonably quiet.

@HippieChick58 My friend's cat? Use the laundry chute! She and her Mum could NOT figure out why the cats would be knocking to come in from the cellar when they hadn't let them into the cellar? rofl

Cats are wonderfully smart!


Cats generally let me know where to look , for trouble .

Cast1es Level 9 June 30, 2019
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