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Cats vs dogs. Yes, cats have the ability to love...but definitely on their own terms!

EyesThatSmile 8 Dec 8
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Wow! I don’t know about cats not loving. Mine have always followed me around and been very supportive when I’m sick or upset. I know it’s not because they want to eat me or are wanting for anything. They just love me because I love them.

My daughter in law said I had made their cat like me better but it’s because I was there to help when the Grandbaby was born so saw the litter box, water bowl and food dish were empty and I filled them. Then I got a few treats, toys and catnip, because I think everyone does that for their cats, and that cat followed me around every time I visited. I also give a great tail rub. She would literally sit at my feet gazing adoringly at me.


I was surprised to find a black cat in my back yard , and thought it belonged to a neighbor . It turned up several days in a row . One day I was watering the flower boxes on the side porch and was thinking the birds were being particularly noisy , when I discovered it wasn't birds I was hearing . As it turned out , including their mother , I had seven new house mates . Even as tiny kittens , each had their own individual personality .

Cast1es Level 9 Dec 8, 2019

I like all animals but prefer to share my home with cats at the moment.


I love both.

Sticks48 Level 9 Dec 8, 2019

Dogs have owners, cats have staff.

How true, you beat me to it.

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