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My old companion has been with me for 21 years +. She is revealing signs of her age - caterwauling in the shower at 4am., missing the litter tray and puddling on the laundry floor, continuously sleeping, greater clinginess, caterwauling, greater fussiness in eating habits, increased drinking and corresponding urination, more frequent attention seeking.
And then yesterday the first of winter rain, colder air and she runs through the house like greased lightening having deposited a small slimy very smelly offering in the potty!
She still loves being brushed and cuddled on my chest, purring away like a well oiled motor.

So two questions

  1. At what point do I say "enough is enough, she is driving me mad" and is my love for her causing her unneccessary suffering.
  2. Should I have her stuffed after her death? And if so what position - alert and on point one paw up and ready to move or curled up and slumbering? I do not intend on having her immediately replaced and have no other pets.
    What are your thoughts.
FrayedBear 9 Mar 26
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I had a cat that got diabetic toward the end. I think I extended her time too much. The time in the veterinarian, in hind sight, appeared overly sentimental. When YOU say, "enough", it will have been enough. I bury my cats with an article of old clothing.

  1. Do not have her stuffed. Keep the memories, but what makes her who she is will be gone. As for 1. what is her quality of life. If she is not suffering and had a meaningful life then enjoy your time with her.

You've had cats before right? If you have you know when the time is for that last ride to the vet. I am not being flippant. I remember with great longing and sadness every furry member of my family I've had to take to the vet for that last time. You'll know...

kmdskit3 Level 8 Mar 26, 2018

I agree on this. I've had cats most of my life (up until the last few years) and if you love them and know them, as you clearly do, you just know when the time comes. I think they know when they don't have long left too, which explains the clinginess; but I do also agree with the other people here who've suggested she may be suffering from a kidney problem and it's definitely worth getting her checked out for that. One of mine lived until she was 27 - she enjoyed life right up until the very end.

She is the only one.

@FrayedBear Find a skilled and compassionate vet.

@kmdskit3 2 horse town!

@FrayedBear Nearby town? It might be worth the drive.


That sounds like kidney disease and possible UTI
Did you take her to a vet?

She was there in December and blood tests were OK.

December was 4, nearly 5 months ago.
The symptoms are indicative of an issue.

People can get sick rapidly, so can cats, especially seniors.

If it's a financial issue get a donation page setup


My decision has always been based on do they still have quality of life?

As for stuffing? Nope.

RavenCT Level 9 Mar 26, 2018
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