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I had to put my tuxedo to sleep this afternoon. He went easy, he was ready. I don't know if I was. He was a sweetheart & will not be forgotten. Think I'm gonna drink a 12-pack now!

phxbillcee 10 Apr 27
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Shit, dude. I'm sorry. That's always rough.

Duke Level 8 Apr 28, 2018

Sooo sorry, my friend. 😟

poetdi56 Level 7 Apr 28, 2018

So sorry for your loss, I lost both my Tuxedos within a year of each other. So sad.

Lincster45 Level 6 Apr 28, 2018

Sorry to hear that, thanks!


My sympathies. been there.

BitFlipper Level 8 Apr 28, 2018

Yeah, it's a bitch! Thank you.


My heart breaks for you. May you meet him again at the Rainbow bridge.

I'll meet him for years in my memories. He was a sweetheart!


Toast to Tux, may he RIP !!

Croebheir Level 6 Apr 27, 2018

Slainte! thanks!


oh, man. im so sorry. the only thing that even made it possible for me to do the same thing was what everyone kept telling me- it's the ultimate love you could show him. and you and i know that is true. we don't want them to suffer at all- AT ALL. shit, humans? meh..animals? that's our job- we make sure they live like kings and's just not fair when we have to make the decision to put them. another level of pain and loss. you're probably going "yeah, no shit!"

nightowl Level 6 Apr 27, 2018

No. I'm going, "Thank you for understanding & reaching out." Thank you!


You know I'm here. You know a bunch of us know what it's like.



RavenCT Level 9 Apr 27, 2018

Thank you so much, my dear! You've been there for me & I love you! You are now the Hasseki Sultan of my harem!

Next in the harem hierarchy came the Hasseki Sultan, also called the kadin efendi. She was the First Lady of the harem, and as such carried a title and position socially equivalent to that of ‘wife.’

Aren't you proud!!! LOL


So sorry for your loss! I can't imagine the feelings you have right now. I really think our pets knowhow much e really care and I feel like they consider us one of their own! I've had pets die but it was mostly sudden so again, I can't imagine. I'll toast to Bud this evening when I get off work! Peace to you, my friend!

ZJayPo Level 5 Apr 27, 2018

Thanks, bro! I appreciate the toast & the sentiment! Peace!


I watched the veterinarian put down one of my cats, a tuxedo, she was "daddy's girl". I'm sorry I did. Since then, I've let the vet take them in the back of the clinic to do what they have to do. Sorry to hear about you loss. IMO, I prefer to let the tears come, then I can come out of it at the other end.

I couldn't leave him alone at the end. I felt I owed him that, even after the first shot zonked him out. I was given the option, & I understand your choice, but if I can't 'do the deed', I won't leave him alone to face it.

@phxbillcee Me too. I want to be with them as long as I can.

@phxbillcee i would lose my mind if i saw that. i would just cycle-obsess on that are so strong!! although, the gals took good care of angus and he was so friendly- i know at least, he wasnt freaking out cause i wasnt there, ya know? they told me he exhaled; like a huge sigh of relief. i guess he was hanging on for me, too. fuck, its such a shit show.


I'm really sorry. Had to do that, most recently, back in early 2016. Sobbed my eyes out.

vita Level 7 Apr 27, 2018

Still kinda close myself.


So very sorry.

Thanks, bro! I sincerely appreciate it!

@phxbillcee yeah I’ve been there. It sucks.


Pour some beer on the floor for me. Keep him in your memory. Sorry man.

kmdskit3 Level 8 Apr 27, 2018

Will do! Thanks!

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