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Be careful what you wish for....

World population could be in serious decline by 2050 because everyone will be old.


UrsiMajor 8 May 24
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Isn't this what the big guys want? Wars, drugs, a pandemic every 100 years. I wonder.

duchessa1 Level 7 Dec 20, 2021

The old will die off first and what few youngins are still around will get frisky and produce more kids. Slowly at first but that will give the environment time to recover some. The real problem is that if the people not having kids will be removing their genetic material from the gene pool which would have a long term effect on what future people will be like.


Not according to most predictions I've read. In fact - if we DON'T reach ZPG by 2100 (79 years from now) it's very likely that runaway global warming will kill most of our food crops and if there's not mass starvation then a super strong virus will come along and make the final "hit".


Robecology Level 9 May 28, 2021

Not everyone will be old.


The rich polute, the poor die.
The climate crisis is only getting started.


That would be the best possible thing to happen, and it can't start soon enough.

racocn8 Level 9 May 24, 2021

Couldn't agree more! So many problems would be Greatly reduced,like pollution!

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