Where have we gone? And are we at with President Donald Trump? The shock is wearing off .....an why are some of my friend here believe that Trump is their lord & savior?
Its got beyond to the how's and why Trump was elected.
The Democrats went for 'safe and established', with Hilary Clinton, who simply did not connect with the blue-collar constituency and a virulently angry lower middle-class voter who saw the promises and benefits of 'the American Way', slipping away from them, especially after the shock of 2008.
The political right - playing the 'out-sider' card, looked to Trump, who was brazen in his lies and had the nous to appeal to the 'left-behinds', offering protectionism and the attractive (but counter-productive) American First dogma, that always has a desperate appeal to people, seeing their wages falling, their standard of living dropping, their debts increasing.
Michael Moore summed it up, stating that Trump was the petrol bomb that can be thrown at the political system. The steel worker in Pittsburg, the car-maker in Detroit and the manufacturer in Ohio was only too willing to throw that bomb.
The problem of course, is that when you throw the bomb, you have to then contend with the growing fire. What the flames are licking at is an economy that is facing a trade war (protectionism has become real) in which workers will lose their jobs. Trump has borrowed to service tax-cuts in which to inflate the value at the stock exchange, problem of course, is that the Federal Reserve, will likely raise interest rates (in the middle of a trade war), which will hit numerous sectors of the US economy.
Then, the America First policy is seeing the decline in relations, with the closest friends and allies of the USA. America has gone from the stable and powerful ally to being unstable and regressive.
Then throw in, the numerous scandals as the evidence mounts on Trump and his numerous connections to Russia and the opaque relationship with the regime of Putin and numerous oligarchs. The financial links with German banks, who have bailed out Trump, pre-Presidential days. Then we have the numerous liaisons with porn stars, that is revealing the hypocrisy and corruption of a political and economic elite, who feel free from the skewered moral standards that they impose upon us, with their tacit support to the Evangelical movement, that swims in its own slime of decay and corruption. Simply because the religious right have fused their future to the Gods of Mammon.
So in essence, this is where America is. They have thrown the petrol bomb and the flames will consume the best of America, which generations will be compelled to repair.
Will this agony end - That's up to American's who are prepared to ..............................................organise!
Because voting for Not Trump is not a good enough option now or in 2020.
If Trump remains and all his scandals and law breaking come to light, it will be far worse than the Watergate scandal. There is treason, nepotism, use of the presidency by the cabinet and others to enrich themselves at our cost. The people in the US must decide if they want Trump more than they want their country to prosper. Right now it is only a handful of individuals getting all the wealth generated in the US and it is inconceivable to think otherwise. Go out and vote your wallet, not the Koch brothers'.
The question on the poll seems misleading and its wording is not clear. Personally I am glad to be out of the US so I will not suffer from his tax cut for himself and his cronies. His lack of respect and even looking down to the people as dummies is offensive but he has a point. He treated us as stupid and we went for it so we will pay for that dearly. Wait until the next tax season. Most people will be impoverished more than ever and the so called middle class is becoming a thing of the past.
I don't really think I am entitled to vote because I am not in the U.S . so just a throwaway comment that he seems to be completely off planet - I listen to him talking and its all about him and a bit like listenign to a four year old saying how they are going to fly in a huge great big plane to the moon etc.
Many people abroad the US cast their ballot. They are mostly conservative but you are not bound by that and you can vote for whoever you want. I want to vote from Canada and have not been able to find how, when, where, and what.
People voted for the Prick!!
I voted incorrectly. The wording on the poll questions were misleading. Of course we are going to hell and back with Trump but it also will be at a huge cost to US citizens. That is what confused me and voted incorrectly. Thank goodness it was just a poll and the numbers are small for those who voted the question about the cost of Trump to the nation
@KashFigueroa I agree that we’re going to hell but it’s “and back” part that I worry about.
@KashFigueroa I agree that we’re going to hell but it’s “and back” part that I worry about.
I didn't personally vote for him, but my state did.
The danger of fascism is real. And I'm a reasonable guy. Normally put down any Nazi comparisons, but I've started to voice my very real concerns.
History has always had a knack of repeating itself. Fascim, racism are at the core of the president's agenda. He put known Nazis & KKK sympathisers to his cabinet, Some are gone thankfully because they were true to their neo Nazi ideology. For those who believe in Trump, look up at footage of what was left of Berlin at the end of WW2. The 1000 yr Nazi regime lasted only 12 years.
@KashFigueroa I'm just afraid of all the people that have been, and will continue to, get hurt or dead in the meantime. But you're right. These things never last.
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. [consortiumnews.com]
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