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LINK WaPo’s Afghan Papers Propagate Colonial Narrative of Noble Intentions Gone Awry | FAIR

Sure the Washington Post acknowledges (now) that we had no business being there, but they still can't wrap their heads around the notion that the U.S. doesn't own the whole world.

The Post advanced the centuries-old colonial narrative of the empire’s good intentions gone awry when it argued that the US “inadvertently built a corrupt, dysfunctional Afghan government" ... the imperial utility of a cost/benefit or tactical “critique” of US wars is the implication that immoral and illegal invasions like the Afghanistan War are justifiable if the US can achieve its goals, and it enables future invasions, provided US wars are better fought next time.


Americans praising their own generosity is a hallmark feature of American colonialism—which extended to framing atrocities like slavery, the displacement of Native Americans and the extermination of Vietnamese people as “generous”—and the Post continues this long tradition by parroting US officials who believed that “Congress and the White House made matters worse by drenching the destitute country with far more money than it could possibly absorb.” 

FAIR also talks about our attempts, historically, to screw over Afghanistan, so in some ways we're responsible for the state of affairs there today.

altschmerz 9 Dec 26
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