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LINK The 1619 Project and the falsification of history: An analysis of the New York Times’ reply to five historians - World Socialist Web Site

'An anachronistic approach to the Revolution—that is, interpreting an event in a manner that is inconsistent with, or not relevant to, the general historical conditions prevailing at the time of its occurrence—works against an understanding of the event and the subsequent development of American and world history. As Wood writes in The Radicalism of the American Revolution, the democratic principles of the revolution called into question the previously unquestionable:

Americans now recognized that slavery in a republic of workers was an aberration, “a peculiar institution,” and that if any Americans were to retain it, as southern Americans eventually did, they would have to explain and justify it in new racial and anthropological ways that their former monarchical society had never needed. The revolution in effect set in motion ideological and social forces that doomed the institution of slavery in the North and led inexorably to the Civil War.'

Ian-Duggan 7 Dec 30
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Another untold cause of the American Revolution, several years ago I read that in the early 1770s England’s Parliament first considered a motion to stop the slave trade. In America, colonists in the Southern states’ strenuously opposed the motion. I did a web search and found it was true. Parliament let the trade continue until the early 1800s.

Another reason, England was saving “the western lands”, the Appalachians, for native Americans but many who became Founders were land speculators and wanted to sell those lands to colonists. George Washington was a land surveyor.

I was taught fake history.

yvilletom Level 8 Dec 31, 2019

I know it's a long article but read it as it explains in depth why the British empire wasn't as progressive as made out by these historical revisionists. My country wasn't free of the British empire until the 20th century when the British ruling class decided to carve up the country along sectarian lines which James Connolly quite rightly said would cause a carnival of reaction. The people living in India and Pakistan were oppressed and exploited by the British ruling class until the 1950s when the British government helped carve up the country along sectarian lines again, leading to a working class divided by religion this weakened their bargaining power and lead to much barbarity. The 1st American revolution was based on enlightenment idea's like "every man is born equal" and human beings should have inalienable rights. The bill of rights written after the revolution put into motion the battle against slavery.


Apu gives it a try:

brentan Level 8 Dec 30, 2019

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