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LINK The Virus of Capitalism Has Infected the COVID-19 Fight

"Meanwhile, mayors and governors are screaming at Trump to use the Defense Production Act, a law that allows the president to essentially nationalize privately held portions of the means of production in order to churn out needed materials. Those mayors and governors need ventilators, masks and coronavirus test kits. They needed them a month ago. Trump has invoked the law, but he steadfastly refuses to actually use it."

How will the coronavirus influence: (1) US citizens' perceptions about who is electable; (2) how the election will be conducted; (3) how "We, the People" perceive the government's responsibility toward us?

AnonySchmoose 8 Mar 23
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It will be old news and people will have forgotten about it by then.

However, one never can forget how 'silly, stupid, dumb' the United States is, 'cause I need to live under the oppression every day.

@AnonySchmoose I was referring to the voters memories. It seems like things are so quickly forgotten.

It definitely would be apathy if the people forget the details of this disaster by election time. But apathetic is what the powerful are training the population to be. After all, apathy lets the powerful have and do whatever they wish.

I think by Nov. people will still be dying from this and the virus will still be spreading.. People will not forget.


If Trump's supporters aren't afraid of the virus, I hope that it takes out some of them before the election so the rest of us have some chance of survival and recovery from this. Biden and the corporate Dems won't give us any reform, but we might at least get survival and some economic recovery, which is better than nothing.


And now he’s talking about expiring social distancing in a week. After marginally answering the call for a more serious response, Trump may be taking us in exactly the wrong direction, a deadly one...

Bobbyzen Level 8 Mar 23, 2020

I don't know if there is a wake-up call for Trump supporters or not.
I suspect it would have to be that their loved ones die of coronavirus.
Even then, they could blame it on something entirely illogical and superstitious.

@AnonySchmoose supporting Trump is like a religion. No facts or logic can overtake the faith. I agree with you that even the loss of people close to them more than likely won’t change their beliefs in MAGA.

In such a case, we need to encourage many people vote.
This is difficult to do, given the coronavirus.

@AnonySchmoose Slightly more than half of voter-eligible people vote in a presidential election. Tens of millions of more voters are suppressed from voting through incarceration, felony convictions, voter ID laws, purging of voter roles, poll location closures, tampered electronic voting machines, less measurable means including misinformation and intimidation, and not least the fact we vote on a workday, making it a hardship on low-wage workers who lose pay waiting in line for hours to vote. And then as you rightly say, there is the potential coronavirus factor. I am by nature a pretty happy, positive, proactive guy. I advocate for automatic voter registration, lifting of all laws that restrict/suppress votes, replacing all electronic voting machines with paper ballots, etc. The opening up our elections to all people over 18 with auditable paper trails will dramatically transform America for the better. Which is exactly why the power brokers oppose most of these measures. Good luck to us all...


We are in deep shit unless we respond

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 23, 2020


@FrayedBear something

@FrayedBear well trump is revolting

@bobwjr but not as revolting as death by COVID19 induced pneumonia!

@bobwjr I am unfortunately reminded that my father died 30 years ago because of poor hospital care resulting in pneumonia.
I've had a pneumonia immunisation shot a year ago but am told that it is of no use in this case.


Sadly too many people don’t understand how the government works and what the function of the federal branch is. I blame the education system and dumbing down of America.

It is what happens to a Country that Does Not Fully Educate the populace . This began with george bush/cheney and has worked beyond their wildest expectations !

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