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LINK ## "Republicans Add Insult to Illness ... Greed, germs and the art of no deal."

"Now, while social distancing is currently driving employment destruction, there will eventually be a second, more conventional round of job losses as distressed families and businesses cut back on spending. So there is also a case for stimulus to sustain overall spending — although helping Americans in need will provide much of that stimulus, by also helping them continue to spend ... it includes a $500 billion slush fund for corporations that the Trump administration could allocate at its discretion, with essentially no oversight. This isn’t just terrible policy; it’s an insult to our intelligence."

AnonySchmoose 8 Mar 23
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"Our intelligence" does not cover his ignorant base who are more than appeased by bread crumbs. They would be happy to live in rags if they can put down people of color, LGBTQ, and foreigners along with forcing women into submissive life and no right to reproductive rights and guns, lots of guns.


Perhaps a general strike is in order.

Kill two birds with one stone. Accomplish social distancing by staying home from work on mass and show the bastards that the economy can't go round without the participation of the workers no matter how many bail outs they give to the elites.

RoboGraham Level 8 Mar 24, 2020

Hopefully, could try that, as long as people find a way not to starve.

I have been calling for a Nationwide Strike for $15 per hour !
You cannot organize the WILFULLY IGNORANT .
I am going to wait until 200 cities in the US are burning to say I told You So !

We have a kleptocracy at this time, and they would rather kill everybody and destroy the earth than allow anybody to have anything of genuine value ... including education, knowledge, and the truth.


This is why it is good policy to hit them where it hurts, their bottom line, their profits.

They cannot make profits if the workers aren't doing the work and the working class has no money to spend. The only reason they are currently debating giving workers a mediocre bailout as part of the stimulus package is so that we will have money to continue buying their crap.

They could not care less about us but if we shut it all down by refusing to work, it deprives them of their source of power, their wealth.


Certainly not. We will have to look after each other.


Yes indeed, it is a daunting challenge.


...'insult to our intelligence '!!! Nothing else!😡

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