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Another sad day for Progressives. 😔.

Just like AOC caving to Pelosi, this is yet another example of how the Do Nothing Democrats cave to corporate Dems, old school Democrats (ie: Republicans) and MSM.

Sanders Base in Disarray

SeaGreenEyez 9 May 15
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{Bernie Sanders has shown that he can transform Democratic politics.}

That's kind of a moronic statement isn't it? What has he transformed?

{Many of Sanders’ allies were demoralized by what they saw as Our Revolution failing to live up to its potential after his first presidential run. Now, in the wake of a second unsuccessful campaign, some fear they’re witnessing a repeat of the 2016 wreck unfold in real time.}

Exactly what those of us from 2016 recognized and warned about this time. Now that it's to late to do anything about it, you have approximately 4 1/2 years to exodus the fake democrat party. And help us to decide whether to support the Green Party or Socialist Equality Party.

He didn't transform the rigged system of 2016, in which is presently being widely exposed now by independent journalism to be exactly the fake Russiagate we warned about for over 3 years. In which both parties have been collaborate in manufacturing within the silence of facts they knew. And Sanders played a large part of. Along with Nina Turner! Now Our Revolution wants to act all innocent and pretend to want to move in another direction? Please!

This 2020 cycle had more holes in it than 2016. Right out of the gate, once again in Iowa as in 2016, then super Tuesday with very questionable numbers in exit polling. Then comes the virus to essentially end the primary prematurely. If you don't think the DNC, AND, Sanders, didn't pull off another con here.....

{After Sanders’ campaign ended, he held a call with thousands of volunteers and allowed groups that endorsed him to make a pitch to them. He also posted on his website a list of groups that he encouraged supporters to join, including the Democratic Socialists of America and Our Revolution.}

DSA? That fake socialist group who always seems to lead to corporate collaboration. Just look into who runs it and you'll soon get the picture. Add the Jacobin to that also.



@SeaGreenEyez both parties suck. And here's why.


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