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I'm currently "attending" Texas Democratic state convention. Texas sends 11 members to the DNC, 3 of those by rule will come from my senatorial district (we are heavily democratic) we would have been able to elect all three from the progressive caucus had we met in person. Most of us in the progressive caucus are older, and each has their own connections within the party. In normal years we would have each pigeonholed a single interest delegate and swapped a vote on their issue for one on ours. Without meeting other delegates, you have very little idea who anyone is. We may elect one progressive since he is a well known party regular, but the other two will probably go to the party establishment.

There are several advantages to the virtual meet up. More resolutions can be considered over the 2 full week convention rather than the 2 and a half day in person meet up. It is not as expensive to attend. You can attend all of the caucuses you are interested in. I am normally limited to progressive, veterans and labor since they tend to schedule widely enough apart that I can attend at least some of all three.

The huge disadvantages are not actually meeting the people you have correspondence with. Not building relationships and helping people advance their projects. Not being able to vet candidates for office and positions in person. There is a huge difference in what you can learn in person versus over Zopm or email.

For me at least, it looks like it will be two more years before we can reform the DNC. It can only happen if we get involved and don't get discouraged. Right now I will have to be satisfied with the hand we have been dealt, play it out, and get back in the game.

glennlab 10 May 22
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At least you are still involved. Good on you.

freeofgod Level 8 May 23, 2020

I've never quit just because my candidate didn't get the nominatiuon, there are plenty of equally important issues to bbe fought for. I've been doing this since 1980, it is amazing at the lack of particpation by the people that bitch the loudest.


Lets hope we have two more years.

JackPedigo Level 9 May 23, 2020

If the orange anus gets re-elected, I don't think we have 6 months before most of our liberties are curtailed. Anyone that says we have survived thus far, how bad can it get was an optimist on the Titanic.

@glennlab I agree but if we can take the senate we all know the first order of business!

@JackPedigo I won't be satisfied with anything less than the house, senate and white house, and no amnesty and full prosecution for Barr, Trump and everyone else. Let them plea bargain to send the whole trump crime family to prison.

@glennlab Yes and the Republicans can only blame themselves by lowering the bar.


I for sure hope the DNC can be reformed, mostly to get rid of Tom Perez! Thank you for writing about this Glenn. 😉

People forget that everyone on the DNC is elected at least every four years and most every two years by their states or organizations. The reason there is no reform of the DNC, is all the bitchers stay home all butt hurt and don't bother to go to the conventions.


Good travels. Do what you can.

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