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KKK Leader Launches Vehicle Attack on Black Lives Matter Protesters

Self-described Ku Klux Klan leader Harry Rogers, has been arrested for driving his truck into a group of Black Lives Matter protesters gathered on Sunday in Virginia, telling arresting officers he was president of the Virginia KKK, and claiming he’s the highest-ranking member of that group not in prison.

So, Harry Rogers claims he’s the “highest-ranking member of the Ku Klux Klan not in prison, eh?” Now, you call me clairvoyant, but I have a feeling that all that’s about to change really quickly, so he may as well just go ahead drop that last part of his introduction.

Of course, knowing the way things have been going, the police will probably have the charges reduced down to “not following the coronavirus social distancing guidelines.”

In the meantime, you can bet Fox News hosts are describing him as “just a nice young man, out for a Sunday drive,” then asking “can’t a conservative even go for a drive anymore?” Besides, I’m sure he was simply on his way to take a selfie, while holding his Bible upside down in front of a church.

One thing’s for sure, you definitely don’t wanna wander into this Mr Roger’s neighborhood. Meanwhile, a White House spokesperson tried to reassure citizens that while this incident may be unfortunate, there’s still lots of very good people on the “white side” of the country too!


johnnyrobish 8 June 9
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May be headed to work in the White House .

GEGR Level 7 June 11, 2020

That sounds a lot like an act of terrorism to me. I hope they throw the book at him.

But then again I heard a story of a black guy who converted a load of clansmen, that would be an even better outcome 😊


He's as ugly on the outside as he is on the inside! Hope he gets some prison time!!

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