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The comments in the political groups here do not take sociopathy into account. To survive the verbal attacks in political life, a degree of narcissism may be necessary. 2

yvilletom 8 June 10
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Sociopaths and those with true Narcissistic Personality Disorder are well practiced in hiding their flaws and most won't recognize it.

MizJ Level 8 June 10, 2020

Fascinating. How do they hide the flaws?

@Krish55 They do it by copying others, they start in childhood. Most likely you have met and interacted with more than one. Google Cluster B personality for more info.

@MizJ I work with one. When he expresses empathy, I can see it's not felt but seems the appropriate reaction for him.

@Krish55 Exactly. They mimic empathetic behavior they have seen, because it's not genuine it feels "off" when you see them do it.



I was there; you weren’t.

@Allamanda, @MizJ

Where? Phoenix, where a car bomb killed investigative reporter Don Bolles. Wikipedia has part of the story. MizJ above understands.

@yvilletom I wish I didn't understand, Cluster Bs are awful.

@yvilletom, @Allamanda Narcissists and sociopaths are fairly predictable and will consistently lie, manipulate, and cheat to get what they want.

@Allamanda I think it has more to do with citizens' apathy and the subsequent downfall of nation-state than the type of political system. For example, if more people had voted in the US 2016 election there would likely be a different leader; the apathy of the US electorate allowed the rise of a malignant narcissist. I can't help with the original post.

I posted that comments here don’t take sociopathy into account. At my request MizJ clarified sociopathy. Can we return to what’s lacking in comments here? If not, let’s stop now.


If you will ask “Did you collate narcissism with sociopathy?” I will know what you mean. (grin)

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