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LINK 'I'm not a bad guy': Police video captures distraught Floyd | George Floyd protests News | Al Jazeera

I'm not really sure who's bright idea it was to release this footage, but it fails EPICALLY to defend those four cops.

If this is how their attorneys plan to fight for their freedom, I'd suggest they're all doomed.

This has me shaking my head. It's NO better or less godawful to know that these cops said and did this:

The officers sound clinical as the minutes tick by. "I think he's passing out," one officer says. "You guys all right, though?" someone asks. "Yeah - good so far," says one. Another - apparently Lane - says: "My knee might be a little scratched, but I'll survive." Kueng reaches out with a free hand to pull a pebble from the police SUV's tire tread and toss it to the street.

SeaGreenEyez 9 July 15
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The best the defendants can hope for is a plea bargain. If I was the prosecutor I wouldn't exactly feel like putting that on the table.

mcgeo52 Level 8 July 16, 2020

If these bastards get off, the fall out will make the Rodney King riots look like a child's tea party


The defence is grasping at straws

bobwjr Level 10 July 16, 2020

Releasing the video serves the defense by contaminating the jury pool.

BitFlipper Level 8 July 15, 2020

I’m just wondering, once a jury is selected, they’re going to see the videos anyway, or am I missing something else?

@Justme43 people can be rejected from the jury pool if they have read or seen anything about the case, or if they have any opinions about guilt or innocence.

@BitFlipper So I guess that’s why some high profile cases get moved to another district? But it would seem very hard to find 12 people with no knowledge of any case of much interest.

@SeaGreenEyez I hope you are correct. But I've seen this bullshit happened too many times.

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