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Trump Returns to Do White House Coronavirus Briefings Solo

Three months after he abandoned the daily virus briefings and attempted to turn the country’s attention to what he described as the “great American comeback,” President Trump took the lectern in the White House briefing room alone on Tuesday, free to say whatever he wanted without any distractions from the usual bunch “sciencey nerds” behind him.

And, in a rare moment of candor, Trump reluctantly admitted that the spread of the coronavirus will likely get worse before it gets better, and that people should probably wear masks. Well said Mr President! The fact is, most of us are already rather optimistic things will begin to get better - sometime after November 3rd.

Ironically, now that Trump is finally admitting the virus is spreading fast and that people should wear masks, you’d think most of those armed militia thugs, whom Trump egged on to to out and “liberate” those Democratic run states from the governors who were insisting they practice social distancing and wear masks, would probably feel like idiots now - and, they probably would, if they weren’t idiots.


johnnyrobish 8 July 21
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He's gonna talk the talk but not mean it...



bobwjr Level 10 July 22, 2020

If those militia guys were true their beliefs, they would be in Portland against the US secret police.


But they aren't against fascism or fascists, they are just against government by those they perceive as lefties, whether they actually are or not. They have no problem with government by conservatives or fascists.

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