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Ivanka Trump Launches ‘Find Something New’ Career Campaign

White House adviser Ivanka Trump, along with Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross - have decided to inform millions of unemployed people, that all they need to do to provide for themselves or their families, is to simply “Find Something New,” and the two have helped launch a website and an ad campaign to promote the idea.

Well, I do have to admit, there’s certainly nothing quite like getting your employment advice from someone who’s gotten nearly everything they have through nepotism. Now, in her defense, I suppose she really does mean well - you know, in a Marie Antoinette kind of way.

And that, makes me wonder just how well Ivanka might do on one of those cognitive tests like the one her father just took? Now, let’s see - your first word choices are “dog, cat, daddy, camera, and selfie.” I believe that would match up pretty well with the term “clueless.”

Anyway, I guess at this point, all we can basically hope for is that come November, America will finally send these grifters a clear message that - perhaps it’s time for them to "Find Something New.”


johnnyrobish 8 July 24
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Looks like she's auditioning for The Price Is Right with that can of traitor beans.

dkp93 Level 8 July 25, 2020

Cunt, sorry about that

bobwjr Level 10 July 24, 2020

I'm equally "sure" that if this clueless bimbo suddenly got kicked off the gravy train and became poor, she could also find "something new", even if it was sex work. I mean, her own father kept gushing about how hot she was, so I assume he would be proud of her with that...


Excellent comment! I believe your thoughts are shared by many.

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