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The music bring back fond memories for me. So sad the scene won't bring back fond memories for others.

I'm glad you paid attention to the music. It brings nostalgic memories to me. the singer is one of our Lebanese legends , Fairuz. The poem itself is so beautiful, and the music is the same as the French song " mon amour"

@Shaghaf My late partner was from Iran and she played her music all the time so it brings back memories and tears.

I'm sorry about the tears.
Do you speak Farsi? Farsi is a beautiful language too , it's softer than Arabic though.

@Shaghaf A few words. I would learn some and then misuse them to the chagrin of my partner. Teasing was always a part of our relationship.
In the military I was stationed in Turkey and heard a lot of Turkish music. When I met her I told her, her music sounded Turkish (silly American). She understood but was still a little bothered. I grew to know and really love and appreciate her music.

@JackPedigo yes for most American, we all ( foreign brown people) look the same 😁. Iranian are so proud of their culture, and they should be.
But you also right, Turky, Iran, Syria, palestine and Lebanon we all parts of what they call Orient heritage , we share similar food, music, and few other traditions.

@Shaghaf What I did learn is that Iranians look down on Arabs. They are actually Aryans in tribe. In this world most tribes feel superior to other tribes. Getting to know people from vastly different cultures is so interesting and really helps a person grow.

@JackPedigo definitely, knowing people from different cultures is so fascinating. The relationship between Iranian and the Arabs is complicated, the Arab are very proud that they're the origin of Islam and Iranian are proud of their culture and civilization. After the Islamic revolution in Iran in 1979 ,most golf countries as well as the US supported Saddam in his war against the new regime in Iran which left hundreds of thousands of victims, Iranians became less friendly with the golf countries. Not all Arabic countries are the same in term of political systems and allies.

@Shaghaf LOL Boy do I know that history. Also, a big part of the problem is that Iranians are Shia and most Arab countries are Sunni. Again religion messes things up. My late partner came here at age 24 in 1977 with her then husband and 2 kids to go to school. When the revolution hit in 79 they were trapped and she started the process of citizenship. I don;t think most Americans know how big Iran is (about 1/4 the size of the US and twice the size of Germany or France) and with 70 million it is a force to be reckoned with. Most Iranians I know of hit it big when they emigrated to other countries and here they became doctors, engineers. Something about the culture made them really ambitious. My partner did not know one word of English and in 5 years, she got 2 abortions, had a third child (and got her tubes tied - another story) and graduated from a University with a 4 year degree. Later she obtained her masters in leadership and was the director of a couple of schools as well as being rated master teacher. Again, it is a strong, intelligent culture.
BTW I also lived in Germany 15 years and that is another strong culture.


Devastating loss of life. Seems this was a worry for years about this stuff being stored in the way it was. Those with the responsibility and power don’t seem to care for the people.😢

Yes it is true, they don't care and they're corrupt. However, we still don't know exactly what caused these stored nitrate ammonia to explode. people in Beirut are talking about an airstrike .. Trump has talked about an "attack" before anyone else, It doesn't mean that he is a trusted resource , but who knows!!
we just know that our beautiful city got destroyed and thousands of people are suffering );


Very sad 😢😢

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 6, 2020

Yes it is ): . Thank you


That's so terrible and sad.. Best wishes to all...

thank you (:


Utterly tragic. I am so sorry.

Thank you. It's so sad


It appears that years of neglect left explosives sitting in a warehouse. How it went up, no one knows yet. The same stuff used to blow up the federal building in Oklahoma City. That building got taken nearly down with 168 pounds of the stuff. There were tons of it sitting in the Beirut building. Reports on NPR said that a fourth of the city was affected in some way. Just awful. Best wishes to everyone you know there @Shaghaf. I never got there. The civil war stopped me when I was young.

Thank you. Actually, I was born few months before the Civil War started. Beirut is an interesting place to visit
Yes it's probably a combination between neglect and some other triggers. We couldn't exclude the possibility of a terrorist attack.. the explosion was at the port of Beirut where all the imported food and goods are stored.

@Shaghaf I also heard that there is a derelict Russian ship sitting in the port with the same explosives. It is a shame how other countries take advantage of other countries having hard times.

@Beowulfsfriend . I haven't heard about the Russian ship, but it could be.
It's a shame how some countries are causing those hard times 😒


Sorry about what happened. Hope your fam and friends are safe!

Krish55 Level 8 Aug 5, 2020

Thank you, my close family are fine. However many friends got injured, the whole situation is devastating. Still not clear what caused the explosion

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