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Trump Claims Biden Is Against God and Will Hurt the Bible

President Trump is claiming that presumptive Democratic Presidential nominee and practicing Catholic Joe Biden, is "against God" and will “hurt the Bible,” adding that Biden will also "take away your guns, take away your Second Amendment,” so there’ll be “no religion, no anything.”

Now, when the President claims that Biden is gonna hurt God, it’s important to remind Trump supporters that Donald Trump isn’t really God. He just wants to be.

Like that interview the other day - when they asked him about the rising Covid-19 death toll, and all Trump could say was “well, it is what it is.” Good point! Kind of reminds me of that time Jesus walked into a leper colony and said “well, it is what it is.” I’m tellin’ ya, the parallels here, are downright eerie.

Folks, if you ask me, it all boils down to that age-old question, “why did the big chicken cross the road?” Of course, those who keep up with the news, will immediately know the answer - “to hold the Bible upside down, while using an unsuspecting church in the background as a prop - for a partisan photo op.”


johnnyrobish 8 Aug 7
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Biden is a pretty devout Catholic. He is just a more socially mature one- doesn't like abortion for his family, but doesn't impose his will on others, etc. tRump knows little to nothing about actual Christianity, aside from his twisted followers version of who are closer to being talibanish.


He's gonna hurt trump.. Bad. Really bad.. Actually, trumps doing it to himself


I’ve never hated anyone in my entire life, before trump. Now I see his face, or read some new atrocity, and I want to drop bombs on him.
Sigh. Yeah, Secret Service Sissies, I said I WANT to. I don’t have any, or a plane to drop them out of, mores the fucking pity. 😬


Bullshit disinformation

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 7, 2020
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