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I decided that any votes and problems that Democrats and Republicans presidents cause is the voters who voted for them's fault. So this lesser of two evils philisophy is not in any way shape or form my fault because I didn't vote for either.

Vintenar 5 Aug 21
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Your premise is false because in our system any vote not for the second place finisher is a vote for the winner. This includes all non votes and minor party votes. That is simply how our first past the post system works.

glennlab Level 10 Aug 21, 2020

It is only like that because people subscribe to that narrative and don't push the system and force correcting it. People that don't fight the broken system and know it is broken are the reasons it stays broken and is complicit in it staying that way. Our wonderful parties have had us in the war for 19 some years and have no interest in ending the pointless wars that do nothing but fund the military-industrial complex. If you vote for the duopoly that keeps us in these pointless wars that get innocent people in those countries and soldiers killed you are complicit in and own those deaths.

What great helpful program has the corporate owned parties done to actually make things better for this countries working poor that have been continuously been crushed under their policies?

@Vintenar Here, here! I too am not responsible for the mistakes of brain dead people who stay wrapped up in the mental slavery of continuing to vote for the duopoly. If the majority of us gave up doing that, the two major parties would, at the least, have to start being responsive to us. At the worst, they would declare martial law and force us to fight them out on the streets for control of the system. And maybe that would be a good thing, it sure as hell is long overdue. I would be ready to fight those pricks and their mercenaries in the streets if the rest of the masses finally woke up and were ready to join me.

@Vintenar, @TomMcGiverin Pray tell, what have either of yoiu done to change the system we have been under for nearly 250 years? It is easy to finds fault, but unless you are doing something to change it, you are pissing on my leg and telling me that it's raining. I don't like the system we have, but it is the system we have. Do you have anything constructive to reccomend?

@glennlab Yes, telling other people there are other parties out there and encouraging them to at least check them out and consider supporting one of them. Realistically tho, we are not going to get third party candidates elected to federal offices, esp. prez, until candidates who are already celebrities and/or rich, like Ross Perot, are running for office because under the present system that is what it takes to get the media coverage and be able to afford a run for federal office.

@TomMcGiverin The last minor party candidate to gather an electoral vote was George Wallace , so you are right there. The Libertarian party has had the financial backing of the Koch's for decades, even they decide that it was a better use of their money to back a movement within the existing structure, the Tea Party. I have invested a lot of time in trying to change the democratic party, in fact we elected two more liberal Bernie backers to the DNC this year. Had we been able to have an in person convention this year, we may have been able to elect more. In two years I will be back at the state convention working to elect more progressives/liberals to the DNC.

@glennlab I'm fine with what you are doing inside the Dem party, but as long as the DNC is controlled by neoliberal DLC types, the party will never allow progressive candidates to run the party in congress or get nominated for prez as a Dem. That is why in primaries I always vote for the progressive and against the corporatist, PAC money-backed establishment candidates. In Iowa, where I live, that meant voting for Kimberly Graham and against Theresa Greenfield, who had all the money and establishment behind her, and, of course, won the primary. I will vote for her in the general, but with no expectation that she will be much better than Joni Ernst, the Repub incumbent, but that's a pretty low bar. LOTE, as always, is the choice in fed general elections.

@glennlab I actually signed the Votersnotpoliticians gerrymandering reform ballot that wound up getting passed in my State of Michigan. I voted and got Marijuana legalized in Michigan and we also got the minimum wage raise her too.

Their is a zoom meeting for Rank Choice Voting
ballot proposal for 2022 her coming up and I'm going to check that out.


I just contacted my Represetative and got back this information about Dem Jamie Raskins H.R. 4464 Bill to get Rank Choice Voting for all states by 2022

You can contact your rep via their website (most likely) or use this link that I used.


@Vintenar I have known my current rep personally for years and visit with him regularly. I have testified before congress . Glad you are involved, one thing for all to remember, democracy is not a spectator sport, get out there and get involved. You've got the ball.

I used to encourage everyone to get involved, now I encourage those that are seeking good change to get involved.

@TomMcGiverin Main has passed Rank Choice Voting and Lisa Savage of the Green party is going to be testing it out see if she can be the first Green party member of Congress. This could be the first step in more states implementing Rank Choice Voting.

@Vintenar Ranked choice allows the current best chance for a third party candidate.


Lesser of two evils? How much more negative, and powerless, can you be?

I go for the greater of two goods.

When you tire of powerlessness, visit the "My Ancestors Did Not Use Guillotines and I’m Pissed" Group

yvilletom Level 8 Aug 21, 2020

Lesser of two evils is still evil and not doing any good for the majority of people. But it seems the newliberal mainstream media is so powerful and try to shame anyone who questions this philosophy. I really like George Carlin's video :" I don't vote" and he explains why !

Shaghaf Level 6 Aug 21, 2020

You didn't vote at all?

No, ha never said I didn't vote at all, just said I didn't vote for those to destroyers of our country, well at least for president that is. I voted for Jill Stien the last two elections and progressives running as Dems for Congress.

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