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Elon Musk’s Neuralink Unveils Pigs with Computer Chips in Their Brains

Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk has just showcased pigs with computer chips in their brains during his unveiling of Neuralink, an upcoming technology aiming to bring symbiosis between artificial intelligence and the human brain, which Musk hopes will help fight medical conditions such as memory loss, blindness and paralysis.

Of course, some folks are now warning that devices such as these, could lead us all down a slippery slope - but, the pigs have been defending their participation in the study, pointing out that all they’re really trying to do - is bring home the bacon, without actually becoming bacon.

Who knows, maybe one day soon, you’ll see these porkers driving around town in brand new Teslas. That said, you can bet the minute they start implanting these devices into humans, some folks will go into existential crisis, every time Neuralink issues a new hardware or software update.

Meanwhile, as might be expected, many of these pigs with the enhanced mental faculties, are now demanding someone get busy and clean up their pens and turn on the air conditioning - claiming the place looks like a pigsty and they’ve all been sweating like a pig. As for me, I think I’ll hold off until the devices become compatible with the new Mac OS.


johnnyrobish 8 Aug 29
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Musk's dream world is all interconnected humans who can be manipulated.


If you are interested in the fusion of biotech and infotech and what's next for humanity, read Homo Deus by Yuval Noah Harari. Your post won't seem so funny. The future is scary, and it is nearly here.

Mitch07102 Level 8 Aug 30, 2020

I've read ALL his books my friend.

@johnnyrobish Then you get it. The future is scary, and it is here. Yikes.......

@StarvingArtist I am plenty scared. We see what agriculture did to humans, and what the industrialization of farming did to animals. The future is not pretty.

@StarvingArtist Like a Stoic, I try to influence change but do not excessively worry about what I don't control. You?

@StarvingArtist More people should be like you 🙂


Wow what next

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 29, 2020

Why, its of course - hemorrhoid transplants.

Hey, we already have fecal transplants (actually a good thing - for somebody else!)

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