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White House Tries to Clarify Trump Remarks on Voting Twice

In a recent interview on Fox News, White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany insisted that President Trump was not suggesting anyone “do anything unlawful” when he encouraged voters to test the system by voting both by mail and in person.

McEnany explained that while the President did suggest that voters who’d already mailed in their ballots also go to the polls on election day, it was only to “verify” that their mailed in ballots had been properly counted. Oh, I get it, it’s one of those - “Sure, I broke into the bank, but only to test if their alarm system was working properly.”

Why, if one didn’t know better, one might think that the very guy who’s been warning us about "mail-in voter fraud," is actually promoting “voter fraud.” I mean, let’s get real here. It would make just about as much sense to go to the polls to see if your Amazon order’s been shipped yet - then it would to check if your vote’s been counted.


johnnyrobish 8 Sep 3
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She's really stupid...


He won’t stop. He will push one thing after another until Election Day. 😠

And after

@Beowulfsfriend Yes, unfortunately the time between Election Day and January 20th will be really bad, as he will do as much damage as possible on his way out should he lose.

And that will be a good thing as it will make him look more and more idiotic for everyone (except the most stupid) to see.



bobwjr Level 10 Sep 3, 2020

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