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DHS to Label White Supremacists as the Most Lethal Threat to US

A new report says the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), is set to label “white supremacists" as the most serious terror threat facing the United States, describing the white supremacy threat as even more significant than the danger coming from foreign terrorists.

Well, one thing’s for sure, after a report like that comes out - they’ll soon be a few people over at DHS looking for some new gigs. After all, you can’t just have people going around, insulting the boss’s closest friends like that.

That said, and to be completely fair, the President could never really be a full-on supporter of something like “white supremacy," simply because the only kind of supremacy someone like a Donald Trump could ever really get behind - would be his own.

Meanwhile, outraged White House officials are disputing the DHS findings, claiming that the real threat to our way of life, is actually coming from all those poor people - what with all their civil liberties and voting rights demands.

Besides, anyone who watches Fox News knows that there’s absolutely no way all those homeless people could afford to not to be working, unless they were being secretly funded by George Soros.


johnnyrobish 8 Sep 6
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There's no way the trump DHS will do this. It would be like the CDC declaring COVID-19 to be a national emergency.

I know what you're saying, but I'm assuming this was compiled by career DHS folks and not DHS leadership, and the results were leaked.


34% in poverty and 40% food needy. The country is ripe for a blow up.

I totally agree my friend.

@johnnyrobish also about fucking time..


About time long overdue

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 6, 2020

About fucking time.

Charlene Level 9 Sep 6, 2020
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