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Trump Felt Paying Off Stormy Daniels Was Cheaper Than Paying Off Melania

A leaked excerpt from Michael Cohen’s new tell-all book, claims Donald Trump felt that paying hush-money to adult film star Stormy Daniels would be a helluva lot cheaper than paying off Melania, calling the $130,000 just “pocket change” and adding that his supporters might think it was super "cool” if they found out he slept with a porn star.

Cool indeed! Because, as we all know, porn stars are “extremely picky" about who they have sex with. Sadly though, those Trump supporters can basically forget about that “cool factor.” The truth is, Trump paid Stormy off to keep her mouth shut during the election - not for the sex.

So, the bottom line is, we have a President, beloved by the evangelical Christian crowd - who ranks women by how much it costs to sleep with them. That sure ought to boost his standing with female voters, or at least with the ones who’ve never completed 5th grade.

Anyway, on a positive note - at least Stormy actually got paid for the services she rendered, which is certainly a helluva lot better than most vendors who’ve dealt with Trump have fared. Now, the only question that remains unanswered is, will the IRS allow the President to claim that $130,000 pornstar payoff - as a tax deduction?


johnnyrobish 8 Sep 7
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I'm sure his accountants will find a way to claim it as a deduction.

GoodMan Level 7 Sep 8, 2020

None that IRS should allow, but the key word is should.

@glennlab Agreed.

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