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Human Foot Found in Seattle Recycling Bin

Police in Seattle report that a local homeowner found three adult body parts - including a foot - in the Central District recycling bin. Authorities further added that the body parts were packaged and still quite fresh.

Wow, sounds like folks in Seattle are taking all this recycling stuff - just a wee-bit too seriously! On the other hand, I’ve gotta hand it to a town where even the murders have become so environmentally conscious - they’re now recycling their victims. Now that I think about it, I wonder what color bins you’re supposed to use when you’re disposing of body parts? I’ve been using the blue ones.

Anyway, when asked if they had any clues in the case, a police spokesperson said “no, at this point, we’re are completely stumped.” Of course, given that the foot was completely severed from the body, one might conclude the victim was probably rather “footloose.” Meanwhile, city officials say if no one claims the foot after three months, the homeowner is free to keep it.


johnnyrobish 8 Dec 5
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You think the cops are stumped. Imagine the guy who lost a foot.


Wrong! Wrapping body parts up in plastic will create green house gasses. Compositing is the environmentally conscious choice. 😊


That one should have come with a graphic warning!


Satire's probably not so funny if that's your child's foot!

To be fair, nothing would ever be funny if you only view it through the eyes of someone that would be offended by it.

@JeffMurray I appreciate that.

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