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Speaker Pelosi Consults Top General About Trump and the Nuclear Codes

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi informed her colleagues Friday, that she had spoken to the Joint Chiefs’ chairman Gen. Mark A. Milley, about keeping an “unstable president” from accessing the nuclear codes, as Democrats debate the possibility of impeaching the US Commander in Chief Donald J. Trump, for a second time in just over a year.

House leaders maintain that the President has become completely “unhinged,” and needs to be removed from office immediately, before he has the opportunity to endanger the country again and possibly destabilize world peace. Now, I’m certainly no expert on “hinges, but honestly - I can’t think of a time, when this guy’s ever been “hinged.”

Frankly, at this point in time, and given everything that’s come down in the past few days, we’d better hope that about the only thing they put inside President Trump's "football" - is a double cheeseburger. I mean, who could’ve ever dreamed they’d live to see the day, when America needed to take out a restraining order - against the President?

Well, I guess this means Mr Trump has been put on notice that from this point on, his ability to see everything get blown to smithereens, will be limited to watching old Wile E. Coyote cartoons. I mean, not that he’d ever wanna do anything like nuke California, New York or Georgia - mind you. As we all know, the man’s heart is full of nothing but love.

But, all of that aside, we really shouldn’t feel to bad for the poor fella, because in place of access to the nuclear codes - the Secret Service has reportedly presented him with a most authentic-looking, Jedi lightsaber toy, which he plans to use against Vice President Mike Pence, should he ever try to enter the Oval Office again.

Now, I suppose the only questions remaining to be answered are - what will happen to the President after this is all over and Joe Biden is sworn in? Will he be tried? Will he go to jail? Will he be swapped in a prisoner exchange for Roman Polański? Or, will he mysteriously vanish like Elvis, only appearing again in occasional sightings in suburban New Jersey strip clubs? I guess time will tell.


johnnyrobish 8 Jan 9
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This makes me cry. What does this guy have to do to get arrested? This is bullshit about the only remedy for a corrupt president and his enablers is to vote him out. WTF?

General Services can pack him up, turn off his and his staff’s badge access, secret service can escort him off the property.


The General with whom she spoke gave her the general there are perimeters and discussions speech. As others have pointed out, the President of the United States has absolute power to launch at anyone at any time. The only option would be to resign and "try" to show it is an illegal order. By the way the rules are currently written, the prez can just say, "Yep, blow up Tehren tonight."

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