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Idealism < - - - - > Reallsm < - - - - > Cynicism

In a teacher prep course, the professor said youthful idealism peaks at age 12 and gradually declines.

My youthful idealism lasted until I became an environmental activist, and in my mid-forties I started telling people, “On my travels beteen idealism and cynicism, I try to spend some time in realism.”


yvilletom 8 Jan 11
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Realism is the end product form the other two

RoyMillar Level 9 Jan 12, 2021

There’s youthful idealism, which maybe most of us had, and mature idealism, probably more a product of genetics, health, experiences and education.

NJSnarky Level 6 Jan 12, 2021

I would ask what the professor meant by youthful idealism. Having been alive so long, having had children, and having taught I would question that premise. Did the professor mean it reaches a point and if not pollinated it dies, then maybe.

I suspect that is likely the case. But there is no denying the idealism wanes as we mature and get consumed by family and career. But it still provides hope and desire for a better world.

He said youthful idealism peaks at 12 and gradually declines.


After watching the deaths of soo many people, on TV, during Vietnam, then horrors that followed, my "youthful idealism" has grown deeper.

Charlene Level 9 Jan 12, 2021

It certainly was eye opening seeing the body count day after day. I quickly moved on to cynicism, but never viewed that as negative ( though some approach it that way.) understanding motive has always been helpful....

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