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Arizona Republican Paul Gosar Speaks at White Nationalist Conference

Controversial Arizona GOP Rep. Paul Gosar, a staunch Trump supporter and conspiracy theorist with past ties to extremist militia groups such as the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers, is taking quite a bit of heat after skipping a vote on the stimulus bill, to speak at the America First Political Action Committee (AFPAC) in Florida - a white nationalist conference organized by white supremacist and antiSemite leader Nick Fuentes.

Gee, if Gosar really wanted to attend a white nationalist convention, why not just head straight over to CPAC? I mean, they’ve even got a giant Nazi insignia right there on their stage. Then again, I suppose AFPAC is more for folks who feel that CPAC, just isn’t quite racist enough for their tastes. And, that’s what makes a fella like Paul Gosar the ideal AFPAC speaker. I mean, this is a dude who is so far out there, that six of his brothers and sisters publicly begged everyone to vote for his opponent in the last election.

Anyway, just when you thought things “couldn’t get any worse than that,” it turns out that Paul Gosar is also a dentist. My, my - now can you imagine that? I mean, somehow finding yourself sitting in a dental chair with Gosar hovering over you with that big old sinister smile on his face and holding a drill, some sharp dental tools and a hypodermic needle in his hands? Folks, this is the kind of stuff your worst nightmares are made of. But fear not my friends, because Gosar doesn’t practice dentistry anymore. You see, now he gets to make our laws.


johnnyrobish 8 Mar 2
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I bet the repubs won’t say a word to him for appearing at that event! He should get the MTG treatment in my opinion!


Mengele in training?

glennlab Level 10 Mar 2, 2021

Not surprised

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 2, 2021

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