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I've read that several states are making it unlawful to video the police. There have also been instances of police aggression against those making the videos. That means if you see someone videoing illegal actions, it would probably be a great idea to start videoing them as a way to protect them.

Lorajay 9 Apr 21
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My phone camera helped me escape my abusive ex husband. No more he said she said. If you have nothing to hide, why can’t you be filmed in public?

, , , sorry about your abusive ex, good that you had camera.

"nothing to hide" is based on the fallacious premise that if someone has something(s) that they don't want widely disseminated, they MUST be doing something wrong.
Have you noticed that virtually all folks who utter that fallacy are fully clothed while saying it ? 🙂

@FearlessFly that’s why I said in public versus in private as one assumes you are fully clothed in public.

@Killtheskyfairy . . . still a fallacy -- antithetical to (and the opposite of) Critical Thinking.

@FearlessFly then they better avoid England which has the most security cameras of all industrialized nations.

My ex husband accosted me in the supermarket even though I had a restraining order against him. He scared me so much I forgot to film him. Luckily the store had the whole interaction on tape. Should he have invoked privacy concerns for attacking me in front of the meat department?

@Killtheskyfairy . . . there is NO (reasonable) expectation of privacy in the (videotaped) supermarket (public).

My response(s) are intended to promote CT by avoiding fallacies.


I cannot see how such laws can be upheld in any higher level court.

Just the trying to make laws is still scary



bobwjr Level 10 Apr 21, 2021

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