2 5

Westworld 3. A damn sight better than 2, I'll say that. The idea that Big Tech is controlling humans with algorithms more and more, and making free will more and more illusory, by way of predicting what choices persons will make based on past choices, then offering them up, so that humans become arguably more robotic than the robots: scary stuff, and timely. (I've got to say, though, that the ads and "suggested for you" posts I see on FB just get weirder and weirder, less and less like anything I need or want to see. But maybe I'm an outlier.) Elements of both Brave New World and 1984, albeit without the compulsory leader-worship of the latter. No need for it. In that connection, I'd say WW is not strictly a 45- or post-45-era show: in real life a large part of the zeitgeist is colored by the fact that tens of millions of people have indeed signed on to an anti-democratic cult of leader worship, and they have been, and continue to be, in a dangerous mood. I think it was Wilhelm Reich who said that fascism feeds on a combination of revolutionary emotion and reactionary ideas. Sounds about right.

AlanCliffe 7 May 5
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I totes agree..

Charlene Level 9 May 5, 2021

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