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(I LOVE his tee-shirt!)

Beau of the Fifth Column
Let's talk about 750 million refugees coming to the United States....

phxbillcee 10 June 15
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Good logic!


Sorry, but as an immigrant myself who has many former and currently undocumented friends, I find his intellectual approach here counter-productive.

Beau is very good at debating logically. However, humans are emotional and tribal. His rationale that we can indeed accept 750 million will just trigger nativist fears that this is precisely what is intended. One can hardly blame those who would be alarmed by this.

Instead of even contemplating the 750 mil. possibility, he should have stuck to showing that it is not true. And that most who come illegally do so because of US imperialism in their homelands. And that the US can indeed accommodate this smaller number whose displacement it is responsible for.

Facts are needed, not a display of logic that ignores the reality of natural human emotions.

Krish55 Level 8 June 15, 2021

He did make a point that the 750 million figure was migrants world-wide & that at most 150 million would wish to migrate here to the US (& of course, most would not have the means to do so). I believe that his point was that even if we did accept 750 million that it was not an impossibility.
As a pin-head squeaky toy often says, "Facts don't care about your feelings." Presenting more of a whole picture, rather than pandering to the emotionally unstable who honestly won't reasonably listen to any logical argument I think was a better way to go.
Tho I understand your point I think that is more counter-productive.


That is a pretty cool shirt! His message is always good too!


I love his t-shirt too!

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